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Kluvy Mycoprotein


The Future of Protein

Our Commitment
to the
Future of Food 

To transform the food and beverage industries in response to the growing nutritional needs of expanding populations through biotechnology.

Animal Free Protein Alternative

Animal Free  Protein Alternative

Kluvy® Mycoprotein, a groundbreaking source of animal free protein that combines the best of nature and innovation.


Kluvy® Mycoprotein harnesses the power of Kluyveromyces, a yeast species discovered in the pristine heights of Shangri-La. By unlocking its potential through a refined fermentation process, we're creating high-quality proteins and dietary fibers that not only enhance human health but also champion a sustainable future. Kluvy® Mycoprotein is rich in fiber, low in  fat, and produced with significantly reduced carbon emissions, contributing to a more sustainable food system.

Join us in embracing a new era of nutrition—one where the Earth’s limited resources are utilized efficiently, and every bite contributes to a healthier, more sustainable world. 

Naturally Sourced, Biotechnologically Enhanced

Shangri-la Mountains

Search and collect strains with long edible history from glaciers to grasslands


Screen and create the safest and most efficient strains through directed evolution


Optimize fermentation conditions for high quality and yields of Kluvy

Strains collected from dairy products handcrafted in the villages around Shangri-la mountains.

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